By Chase Banks
As a former 7-12 band director, I’ve experienced firsthand the challenges and joys of music education.
I’ve also experienced the sizeable financial pressure that many programs face, particularly with mounting costs for resources. Not only do music educators have to juggle the cost of physical repertoire, equipment and supporting materials, but they also have to contend with the rising costs of ed-tech subscriptions. And all at a time where school budgets are more squeezed than ever!
Nowadays, as part of the Muse Group and Hal Leonard team, I work closely with music educators to help them find resources to fit their needs. Their feedback, along with the experiences of former-teacher colleagues, shapes the ed-tech products we make and share.
So I’m happy to share how MuseClass is pioneering a new way forward.
Last month, we made the decision to shift MuseClass away from a subscription model. Instead, the platform will be free for all, with the option to purchase MuseClass-compatible interactive versions of your favorite sheet music and method books.
Why did we move away from subscriptions?
First and foremost, we listened to feedback from teachers and band leaders. They told us that not only are subscriptions often too expensive, but they are also too inflexible.
We’re designing MuseClass to suit the needs of all kinds of educators.
Anyone can use the MuseClass platform for free to set and mark assignments. When you need to purchase new music to rehearse or perform, you can focus only on the titles your class or band needs — or can afford. Over time, you can build your own custom catalog of MuseClass compatible pieces (read how below).
As Mrs. Garcia, a middle school band director in Michigan put it, “...current tech apps are getting pricey with memberships and other things, so I'm really excited for the new opportunities that MuseClass is going to present. I’m super excited to try it out!”
Another reason for choosing a flexible model is how it aligns with one of our core values: expanding music accessibility.
Muse Group and Hal Leonard have both been committed to lowering the barriers to entry for musicians in their long history. We’ve vastly improved access to scores and tabs for the world’s most popular music. Eventually, we’d love to see a world with over a billion musicians!
Making MuseClass flexible and free-to-start is our next step on this journey. MuseClass helps us support educators as they nurture the next generation of music makers!
Albert Vela, a high-school band director and brass staff member for the Blue Devils, shared: “One of my favorite things about MuseClass is that it’s just so easy to use. It’s an app…They’ve simplified it down to things that are just what you need to be successful as musicians of all ages. I can't advocate for it enough.”
How will educators add new music to their MuseClass account?
For now, anyone can explore a large collection of free MuseClass music on the platform. Or add your own content: anything created in MuseScore Studio (.mscz files) can be imported into MuseClass to use with our AI-powered AutoGrade feature.
Later this year, educators will be able to purchase copyrighted sheet music and method books through partners like J.W. Pepper. Our model mirrors the iTunes approach — pay only for the music you need, when you need it.
When you purchase a piece of music with “MuseClass Access” from J.W. Pepper, that piece of music will be unlocked within your MuseClass account. MuseClass Access allows you to use the copyrighted material in your assignments and AutoGrade assessments.
MuseClass Access will be available later this year.
Looking Ahead
As we continue to develop MuseClass, our focus remains on enhancing the lives of teachers and students. You’re not just selecting a platform; you’re supporting a movement to make music education accessible to all!
Sign up to MuseClass today for free, and help shape the future of music education!